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It all started in Susan's kitchen...

As long as I could remember I watched as day after day my mother took her routine medication to maintain her health. This story was no different from that of my youngest aunt, her son, my grandmother, and many individuals I began to encounter at work and at family functions. I began to realize just how out of hand this epidemic of diabetes and high blood pressure had become.  I began to feel angry and frustrated, and helpless. Surely there had to be someone way to heal.

 Remember that frustration and anger part I was telling you about? Yeah, I was fed up. … as cheesy as it sounds, I decided to be the change I wanted to see. I hit the books and probed the Internet looking for answers.  Holistic healing, juicing, herbs, teas, chakras, yoga, meditation, seemed to scream my name, why hadn’t I heard of these things before? I was intrigued, the deeper my search, the broader my world became. With a little knowledge under my belt and an old Juiceman juicer my mom tucked away in the ’90s, I asked my mother one question,

“Mommy, I’m going to try something, want me to make you some juice?”

"I bet you can't do it for 3 days."

That question and the Juiceman juicer have helped my mother tremendously on her road to healing.


Here's where life got juicy

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